The California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, affectionately known as Purple Pig pledges its commitment to addressing the unmet needs of disabled children throughout the states of California and Hawaii by developing a program of supporting services to aid these children at no cost to the families and without discrimination.

Rudy 2024 ~ 2025 Major Project Theme Child

Rudy's family feels that he is destined for success, with an active lifestyle, and a kind heart. Outdoor exploration, community involvement, and a lot of reading are among family focuses that will hopefully help Rudy to be a motivated, kind, and curious person. Rudy's sister was on her pedal bike prior to her third birthday, so Evy will be excited to help Rudy catch up on his Specialized Hotwalk bicycle, once he starts walking in order to enable the family to do more adventuring via bike. And, of course, eating is an American family tradition, so being able to anticipate Rudy sitting at the table, and eating the same meal as his family in the very near future, is a reality that is coming true thanks to Michelle and CHEMPI.
Rudy's family will be forever grateful for the immense impact the very generous members of Elks have had in their lives. As well as the lives of all the other children, and families who benefit from our Major Project here in California and Hawaii. If you all could see the joy on little Rudy's face when he sits in his high chair, and tries a new food, only then would you truly understand the significance of your seemingly small contributions. Rudy's family is immensely appreciative of your support of the Purple Pig, and of the thousands of children under your aegis so that they can walk, talk, see, play, EAT, and ride bikes!
Thanks to Michelle's expertise, and experience, Rudy is devouring purees, and attempting to steal pizza slices, and sopapillas right out of his family's hands! Getting started was a bit intimidating for Rudy's family, as children with Down syndrome suffer from low muscle tone, which can affect everything in their bodies, including swallowing, resulting in a significantly increased likelihood for food and fluids being misdirected into the lungs rather than into the stomach. Being the parents of a child with special needs can be absolutely overwhelming, and it is extremely helpful, even critical, to have exceptional in-home therapy care. The California ­ Hawaii Elks Major Project Inc. is providing Rudy with a service he would likely not receive otherwise, as therapy resources are limited in Rudy's rather rural, and isolated high-desert community
The early intervention speech pathology services that Rudy is receiving, through the benevolence of friends, and members of the Elks. are giving him the tools he needs to get ahead of the curve. These services maximize his chances of maintaining the ability to keep his lips closed and his tongue in a good position inside his mouth. That can be a challenge for many children with Down Syndrome, due to the impact of the condition on the body. He is gaining a rich preparation for soaring in his speech, and language skills, through the Elks generosity. The Elks of California and Hawaii stand behind, and around this little boy, invisibly, paving the way for a future in which he'll thrive.

The members of Elks #6 hold a special passion for this project. If you join us for Sunday Breakfast we hope you will contribute to our Purple Pig so that children like Rudy can Walk, Talk, See, and Play.

California Hawaii Elks Major Project Inc, (CHEMPI) provides:
Occupational Therapy:

Through individual home instruction, the goal for all children in the program is to become as independent and self-sufficient as they can. Our occupational therapists, working with the parents, teach our children the basics from feeding and dressing skills to dealing with sensory integration and learning to play.

Physical Therapy:

The Elks physical therapists evaluate and treat children with a wide range of disabilities as they travel from home to home. Their focus is to help these children learn or improve important motor skills by educating or re-educating muscles and increase strength, endurance and coordination.

Early Vision Screening:

Preschool Vision Screeners travel from school to school to test kids for any kind of visual problems, from mild to severe.

Speech-Language Therapy:

The Elks highly trained speech-language pathologists can diagnose a variety of communication disorders and coordinate a home program of therapy with the parents. Many speech-language problems are addressed by the staff, including swallowing or feeding difficulties.