From Our Membership
Welcome to Sacramento Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge #6 (B.P.O.E. #6). We have proudly served the capital city of the Golden State for one hundred forty-seven years. With a membership of over 600, our lodge is dedicated to improving our community through our charitable endeavors. Thanks to our members' volunteer efforts, we generate funds to help in many local and national programs.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Under the spreading antlers of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks are almost 800,000 members who form a quiet network of people doing good deeds. Elks pour hundreds of millions of dollars into helping youngsters, college-bound students, old or handicapped people, veterans, active-duty armed forces—anyone who needs assistance. And we do it every year! On an annual basis, more than $300 million is contributed in cash, goods, transportation, and volunteer work within communities across the nation.
If you'd like to know more, Click Here
Benefits Of Becoming an Elks #6 Member:
Welcome at all Lodges
You will be welcomed at over 2,000 lodges throughout the USA. Many have overnight RV parking with hookups. Be sure to visit Lodge #616 in Honolulu HI.

Elks #6 Lounge
The most comfortable spot around. Like to have a drink with friends, enjoy 5 big screen TV's, or a round of Shuffle Board, it's all here at members pricing!

Our Fitness Center
Fitness Center includes an indoor heated pool, dry & steam sauna, Jacuzzi, handball / racquetball courts and weight / cardiac room.

Elks #6 Social Events
We have frequent social events, casual and formal dinners, dinner dances, variety shows, craft fairs, karaoke and the best Sunday breakfast in town.